US-based Military and Veteran families qualify for our ongoing physical engagement program including:
Faith-based activities for military kids and families

Every family that enrolls receives a Welcome Box containing a Bible and devotionals specific to each child’s age and gender, as well as gifts for the caregiver. Seasonal boxes are sent each quarter with gifts, journals, family activities, and more—each one thoughtfully designed to help kids learn about how they can rely on Jesus to provide strength for all of life’s battles. All this—like all Armed Services Ministry resources—provided free to Military families from a grateful nation.

Welcome Box
Each family receives a Welcome Box containing a Bible and devotionals specific to each child’s age and gender, a Bible activity, as well as a few gifts for the whole family.
Quarterly Devotionals & Printed Seasonal Activities
For as long as children meet the 3-17 age requirement, families will receive age and gender-specific weekly devotionals for each child delivered straight to their doorstep each quarter. Families will also receive printed seasonal Bible activities designed to engage families in the Word, build unity, and build fun memories together.
Parent Devotional Emails
Parents and caregivers are also sent encouraging weekly devotional emails called “Checkpoint.”
Ongoing Digital Support
Parents will be provided with continuous engagement opportunities through Social Media, blogs, and podcasts to lean into a supportive network that cares and understands that the God of the Bible is the ultimate answer to the challenges each Military family faces. Children’s devotionals and seasonal activities will also be available for download.
**Deployed families are eligible for our digital support.
All this—like all Armed Services Ministry resources—provided free to Military families from a grateful nation.

AGES 3-7
Children are never too young to learn about the love of Jesus! Eagle Squad materials are simple to read, understand, and remember to ground kids in spiritual truth. Scripture-engagement activities emphasize the Bible as one big story with Jesus at the center, with bright, bold pictures that captivate young minds.

God is with you when life hurts, Deuteronomy 31:6
Have you ever had a monster under your bed? OK not a real one. But maybe it felt or sounded like there was one there. After bedtime, when the lights go out, it is easy to get scared. You might ask your mom or dad to stay with you until you fall asleep.
Sometimes life feels scary during the daytime too. Bad things happen that make your heart feel heavy. A pet that you love dies. Someone in your family gets very sick. Your mom or dad goes away for a long time for their job.
When things get scary or sad or hurt, what should we do? The Bible, the book about God, says that when this happens, He loves you and wants to help you. That is a promise–something God says He will do no matter what.
Hard things happen. We don’t always know why.
But when you face big, scary things, God will not leave you alone. He is with you when life feels dark. He will never ever leave you. No matter what, you don’t have to be scared. His love chases away all the monsters.

AGES 8-12
It can be hard to settle into middle school when everything in your life feels like it’s changing. Through Bible-based materials, Junior Varsity Squad points tween boys and girls to Jesus as a constant companion in the midst of uncertainty. JV materials help kids understand and apply scripture to their lives with attention-grabbing text and activities introducing them to quiet time, how to pray, and ways to get to know Jesus.

He’s here! Deuteronomy 31:6
God had a specific word for Joshua: Be strong and courageous. The Lord is with you and won’t leave you.
Military kids have to be strong and courageous too. People you love and rely on have to leave because of deployments, trainings, moves. You might feel alone and overwhelmed at the things you need to do without them. But the Lord says the same thing to you: I will never leave you.
It’s easier to feel brave when you have a person right beside you. But think about having God with you—He’s much stronger, has all the money in the world, and is much smarter than any human being. And believe it or not, He loves you more than any human does too.

AGES 13+
Navigating the teen years can be an emotional minefield for all kids—add the challenges and sacrifices of being in a Military family, and even the strongest kids can struggle to feel known. Varsity Squad materials address the issues Military teens are facing, demonstrate what God’s Word has to say about these critical battles, and teach them how Jesus provides strength for all life’s battles.

Us and the “them” Deuteronomy 31:6
The “them” referred to in this week’s scripture are various leaders from nations that stood between the Israelites and the land God had promised them. The Israelites were also getting a new leader. They were not to fear “them,” because regardless of who led them, God was in control and His plans would be carried out.
We all have moments when the “them” threatens our peace. Maybe you’ve moved and one of your parents had to deploy during the move. You’re still adjusting to a new school, and the kids are weird. And money is tight because of the move. And . . . and . . . you’re supposed to trust that God will work it all out?
Well . . . yes.
You see, God is not surprised by any of the “thems” we encounter. Even when life doesn’t make sense to us, He is there and He will not abandon us. God wants us to come to Him with our doubts and fears. As we release our grip on them and step out in faith, our trust grows . . . as will a peace that cannot be rocked by the “thems.”

Parents and Caregivers raising Military children need support, too. To bring regular biblical encouragement to them, weekly devotionals are sent straight to their email inboxes. These quick-read devotionals are specifically designed to strengthen and uplift them. The weekly touch points let them know that God is there to help them meet the unique challenges and needs of Military kids, while providing helpful prompts and suggestions to lead their kids to understand God more intimately.

A Higher Calling Isaiah 41:9-10
On orders. As a Military family, a parent, a jobholder, a community member… you’ve been put on orders to fulfill a mission. Our culture values people based on productivity, and the Military slams that concept into overdrive. It is very utilitarian. Frequently, Service members can feel like a pawn in an uncaring system. (Seriously, are there parrots in the back room pulling names out of a hat for who gets which assignment?)
As Military families, we know we have to look higher. From our perspective, we can’t see the whole picture of the needs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. We have to trust they have a reason for giving the orders.
Find reassurance today in God’s orders by reading his promises in Isaiah: From far across the earth I brought you here and said, “You are my chosen servant. Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories. I haven’t forgotten you.” —Isaiah 41:9-10
Following orders is one thing, but pursuing a calling—trusting there is a purpose behind every move—is fulfilling to the deepest soul. Rest in that and try to help your children see the higher calling behind all the orders. ”
Lord God of the Universe, commander of the heavenly armies, I trust you with my family life. Go before me. Teach me to look higher, to look to you. Amen.
Have questions about Hero Squad? Find answers to common questions below.
Military Families
Is my child eligible for Hero Squad?
Hero Squad welcomes any child, age 3-17, who lives in the continental U.S. and has one or more parents currently serving or previously served in the U.S. Military. Deployed families are eligible for digital support.
How much does Hero Squad cost?
The program is completely free to Military families! It is provided through regular support from caring donors.
Is this program safe for my child?
Absolutely. We will never contact your child directly and will treat all data collected with utmost care and security. We ship boxes to the family, so at-home caregivers can open first. We collect child names and ages only to customize deliverables for the best program experience. We never share child or family data.
How does Hero Squad benefit my child?
We designed Hero Squad specifically with Military children and families in mind. Each quarter, children will receive devotionals that address and help them navigate challenges unique to Military life. It’s a great way to draw families closer together by opening the lines of communication to discuss personal struggles and Spiritual development. In order to support you, as Parents and Caregivers raising Military children, we send weekly devotional emails — a series called “Checkpoint” — to bring you added strength and regular encouragement.
What happens when we move? Will my children still receive Hero Squad materials?
We understand that moving is often part of Military life. You can update your contact information at any time by completing our address change form.
How does Hero Squad benefit a Military Chaplain?
The Hero Squad program is designed to engage families in Scripture, therefore encouraging spiritual growth and life-change. Increased spiritual health decreases the demand for Chaplain intervention with Service members.
What is my time commitment should I decide to enroll as a partner Chaplain?
Beyond spreading the word about the program, Hero Squad anticipates no time investment from a Military Chaplain. Allow us to serve and bless your Military families and handle the details.
How does a Military Chaplain sign up a Service member’s family?
You can direct a Military parent to where they can securely enroll their child through the website.
Is the Military Chaplain responsible for getting Hero Squad materials to children and families?
No. Once a Military parent signs their child up for Hero Squad, the Armed Services Ministry takes care of the rest. Quarterly devotionals are delivered directly to the family’s home.
How is my monthly gift applied?
Donor dollars are applied directly towards the development, packaging, and shipping of Bibles and Scripture-engagement activities, gifts, and age- and gender-appropriate studies that address the unique challenges Military children face. Your financial gifts and prayers allow us to design resources that help Military children learn they are known and loved by God, and encourage unity and spiritual health within Military families.